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Car Insurance

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Car Insurance Policy at an Affordable Premium

Car Insurance
Learn about

Car Insurance

Car insurance is a type of insurance that provides financial protection in the event of a car accident or other incidents involving a vehicle. It is a contract between the policyholder (the person who owns or leases the car) and the insurance company.

Car insurance is essential for protecting both the driver and others on the road from financial hardships associated with accidents. The specific details of coverage, premiums, and deductibles can vary based on factors such as the type of coverage, the insurance company, the vehicle, the driver's history, and local regulations.

Types of Car Insurance


Comprehensive Car InsuranceComprehensive Car Insurance


Third Party Car Insurance

We Recommend

Comprehensive Car Insurance

Comprehensive car insurance is a type of auto insurance coverage that provides protection against a wide range of risks and events, beyond the coverage offered by basic liability insurance. While specific details can vary among insurance providers and policies, comprehensive coverage typically includes protection against damage to your own vehicle caused by events other than a collision with another car. As per the Motor Vehicles Act of India, it is compulsory for all vehicles running on the road to be insured.

Car Insurance

Features of Comprehensive Car Insurance


Complete Protection

Zero Depreciation

Zero Depreciation

Road assistance

Roadside Assistance


Coverage Against Theft